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Who this course is for?

Full- stack developer can make a fully functioning web application and have some knowledge in both server side and client side. This will help you to possess comprehensive knowledge of various technology stacks.


You should be having basic knowledge on front end and back end.

Good logical skills.

What You'll Learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to automate any ( Native , Hybrid , Web) Apps in Android/IOS usingAppium

Thorough Understanding on Appium best practices and reusable utilities for automating Apps on both Real devices and Emulators

Design the Industry Standard Mobile framework from Scratch which is compatible for both Android and IOS Platforms

Design Appium Framework with open source technologies like Learn Maven, TestNG, Jenkins, JUnit, Git, Extent Reports

Automate Mobile Browsers like Chrome & Safari with Appium WebDriver Library under hood

You will know the coding standards in writing the most optimized Mobile Automation Scripts

You will be able to create GREAT LOOKING REPORTS using the best advanced REPORTING TOOL

Topics Covered


Course Overview Don't Skip this Lecture!

Notes on Updates Versions of Django

What is the Web?

HTML Level One Introduction

HTML Part One Basics

HTML Level One - Part Two -Basic Tagging

HTML Level One - Part Three - Lists

HTML Level One - Part Four - Divs and Spans

HTML Level One - Part Five - Attributes

HTML Level One Assessment - Overview

HTML Level One Assessment Solutions

HTML Level Two Introduction

HTML Level Two - Part One - Tables

HTML Level Two - Part Two Tables Quiz

HTML Level Two - Part Three Table Quiz Solutions

HTML Level Two Part Four - Forms Basics

HTML Level Two - Part Five Forms and Labels

HTML Level Two - Part Six Forms and Selections

HTML Level Two - Assessment

HTML Level Two - Assessment Solution

CSS Level One Intro

CSS Level One Part One

CSS Level One Part Two

Quick Note about next lecture

CSS Level One Part Three

CSS Level One Part Four

CSS Level One Part Five

CSS Level One Assessment

CSS Level One Assessment Solutions

CSS Level Two Introduction

CSS Level Two - Part One Fonts

CSS Level Two - Part One (Fonts) Continued

CSS Level Two - Part Two Box Model

CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Overview

CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Solution

Capstone Project One Overview

Capstone Project One Solutions

Capstone Project One Solutions (Continued)

Bootstrap Introduction

Bootstrap Part One - Buttons

Bootstrap Part Two - Forms

Bootstrap Part Three - Navbars

Bootstrap Part Four - Grids

Bootstrap Project

Bootstrap Project Solution

JS Level One Introduction

JS Level One - Part One Basics

JS Level One - Part Two Connecting Javascript

JS Level One - Part Three Exercise

JS Level One - Part Three Solutions

JS Level One - Part Four - Operators

JS Level One - Part Five - Control Flow

JS Level One - Part Six While Loops

JS Level One - Part Seven For Loops

JS Level One - Part Eight Loop Exercises

JS Level One - Part Eight Solutions

JS Level One - Project Overview

JS Level One - Part Nine Project Solution

JS Level Two - Introduction

JS Level Two - Part One - Functions

JS Level Two - Part Two Function Exercises

JS Level Two - Part Two Function Solutions

JS Level Two - Part Three Arrays

JS Level Two - Part Four Array Exercise Overview

JS Level Two - Part Four Array Solutions

JS Level Two - Part Five Objects

JS Level Two - Part Five Objects Continued

JS Level Two - Part Six Object Exercises

JS Level Two - Part Six Object Exercise Solutions