
73059 73797

Who this course is for?

Students willing to start their professional career as a ”Automation Testing Engineer”, Manual Testers, Fresh Graduates and Non IT Professionals.


Selenium is an open source automation testing tool for web based applications. It runs directly on a web browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari etc., and supports Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.

This Selenium course will be covering from very basic Selenium to the Expert Level. During the course to explain all ways of interacting with web pages using Selenium. Covering each topics with examples of live websites.

Course will be covering all best practices used with Selenium WebDriver i.e TestNG, Maven, Maven to be name few. Covering all popular frameworks available i.e Page Object Model.


Software Testing Concepts.

Understanding of Computers and Web Sites

No prior knowledge of Java, everything will be covered in this course.

What You'll Learn?

You will learn how to write test scripts using Selenium WebDriver.

You will know how to identify identify various web elements using Selenium.

You will know how to work with Selenium Grid.

You will know how to design frameworks from scratch.

You will able to work on Real time projects after you completed this course.

You will know about Continuous Integration(CI) Process and Tools

Topics Covered

What is Software Testing?

Manual Testing $ its challenges

Challenges in Manual testing

Automation Testing beats Manual testing

Selenium as an automation

Advantages and Disadvantages in Selenium testing tool

Selenium V/s Other Tools

Selenium Suite of Tools

Download and install Java

Setup Java Environment

Download and install Eclipse

How to use Eclipse

Basic Java Program

Compile and run a Java program

Understanding console output

Java variables and data Types

Java Operators

Conditional statements


Break and continue


Single Dimensional array

Double Dimensional array

String Class

String method

Classes and Objects

Java methods

Method Overload

Constructor Overloading

this Keyword

Static variables and methods

Java Inheritance

Method Overriding

Super Keyword

Final Keyword

Java Interfaces

Java Packages

Access Modifiers

Exception handling

Array List

Hash Map


Introduction to WebDriver and architecture

WebDriver features and drawbacks

Selenium Webdriver Jars download and configure

Create WebDriver Project in Eclipse

Create WebDriver test case

Execute test case on multiple browsers

Locators in Selenium

Types of Locators - name, id,cssSelector & Xpath

Capturing Xpath & selectorshub plug-in

Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath

Writing Xpath

Built-in functions in XPath

Handling Dynamic elements using Xpath

WebDriver commands

Browser commands

Close and Quit

Get commands


get Title





Navigation commands

Conditional commands





Implicit, Explicit and Fluent Waits

Page Load Time

Handling Web Elements

Textbox/Input box

Web Button

Radio Button


Dropdown box/Combo box


Broken Links



Browser windows

Date Picker

Web Tables

Working with Web Table with Pagination

Scroll Web page

Mouse Hover

Mouse double click

Mouse right click

Drag and Drop




Key Down and KeyPress

Keyboard Actions

Handling AJAX Calls in Webdriver

Sikuli integration with Selenium

Upload Files

Download Files

Handling cookies

Desired Capabilities in Selenium

Browser Profiles

Selenium Headless Browser Testing

Chrome headless


What is data driven testing?

Usage of Apache POI API

Read data from Excel file

Write data into Excel file

Excel Utilities Class

Data Driven testing using Microsoft Excel

Data Driven Testing using Database

Data Driven Testing using Java Hash Map

TestNg Introduction and Advantages

Configuring TestNg in Project/Eclipse

How to write TestNG Test case

TestNg annotations

Understanding testng.xml

TestNG Report

Prioritising tests


Skipping tests

Grouping methods

TestNG batch testing

How to Parameterise Tests

Passing parameters using xml

Parallel testing

Data Provider

TestNG Listeners

Extent reports

Capturing screenshot

Log4j for logging

Page Object Model - Page Factory

What is Maven and Why Maven?

Installing/Configuring Maven

Creating Maven Project

Importing Maven Project into Eclipse

What is POM.xml?

Adding Dependencies to POM.xml

What is Selenium Grid?

When to Use Selenium Grid?

What is a Hub and Node?

How to Install and Use Grid?

Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid

Running a Test Case on the Grid

What is Framework?

Types of Frameworks

Prerequisites for designing frameworks

Implementation of Hybrid Driven Framework

Creating Maven Project

Update pom.xml with dependencies

Creating page objects and Object repository

Creating utility files

Setting up configuration files

Creating automation test scripts

Creating data driven test scripts

Generating extent reports

Generating logs using log4j

Execute test scripts using TestNG XML File

Emailing test reports

Execute test scripts through Maven CLI

Execute test scripts using bat file

What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration Tools

Download and install Jenkins

Maven integration with Jenkins

Run selenium test scripts through Jenkins

Downloading and Installing GIT

Working with GITHUB

Upload project to GITHUB