
73059 73797

Who this course is for?

Cloud Security you will learn the fundamentals of cloud computing and prepare for the certificate of cloud it gives you the knowledge of understanding of how to secure data in the cloud.


You should be having basic knowledge on Cloud Security concepts.

Good logical skills.

What You'll Learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to automate any ( Native , Hybrid , Web) Apps in Android/IOS usingAppium

Thorough Understanding on Appium best practices and reusable utilities for automating Apps on both Real devices and Emulators

Design the Industry Standard Mobile framework from Scratch which is compatible for both Android and IOS Platforms

Design Appium Framework with open source technologies like Learn Maven, TestNG, Jenkins, JUnit, Git, Extent Reports

Automate Mobile Browsers like Chrome & Safari with Appium WebDriver Library under hood

You will know the coding standards in writing the most optimized Mobile Automation Scripts

You will be able to create GREAT LOOKING REPORTS using the best advanced REPORTING TOOL

Topics Covered

Basics of Security

What do you know about Security of AWS?

Deep Dive on Shared Responsibility Model

What about Security in AWS?

What do you know about IAM Recap and Root Users?

IAM Policies 101

S3 Bucket Policies

S3 ACL’s

How to force Encryption Using S3?

Deep Dive on Cross Region Replication And S3

How to Force S3 to Use CloudFront?

Custom SSL Certificates With CloudFront

S3 Pre-signed URLs

Security Token Services With Active Directory

Web Identity Federation


Cognito Lab

Glacier Vault Lock

AWS Organizations & Service Control Policies

CloudTrail – Turning It On

CloudTrail – Protecting Your Logs

CloudWatch 101

Deep Dive on AWS Config 101

AWS Config Lab

AWS Config Summary

Set Up An Alert If The Root User Logs In

Cloud HSM

Inspector and Trusted Advisor

How to Log With AWS – White Paper?


KMS Key Rotation Options

Use Your Own Key Pairs – Mac Users Only

Use Your Own Key Pairs – Windows Users Only

Do you know to use KMS With EBS?

EC2 and Key Pairs

AWS MarketPlace Security Products

AWS WAF and AWS Shield

Dedicated Instances vs Dedicated Hosts

AWS Hypervisors

KMS Grants

KMS ViaService

Cross Account Access To KMS CMKs

An Overview on VPC

How to set up our VPC?

Nat Instances & Nat Gateways

NACLs vs Security Groups

Application Load Balancers & custom VPC’s

Elastic Load Balancers and TLS/SSL Termination

VPC Flow Logs

NAT’s vs Bastions

VPC Endpoints

VPC – Clean Up

Amazon DNS

An Overview of Cloud HSM

Cloud HSM – Verify our Certificates

Cloud HSM – Initialize Our Cluster

And Cloud HSM – Install Our Client

Cloud HSM – Activate Our Cluster

Cloud HSM – Generate Export Keys

How to Troubleshoot Monitoring & Alerting

Lambda Lab

How to Troubleshoot Logging?

Troubleshoot Secure Network Infrastructure

Authentication & Authorization

Cross Account Access With STS:AssumeRole

How to Troubleshoot Lambda Access?

Troubleshoot Access To CMKs in KMS

DDOS Overview

How to integrate WAF?

Steps to perform when EC2 is hacked

How to read CloudTrail Logs?

Pen Testing – AWS MarketPlace

AWS Certificate Manager

Perfect Forward Secrecy and ALBs

API Gateway – Throttling & Caching

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager Run Command

Compliance in AWS